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Why we choose Lottie
We choose Lottie over other formats because it provides a smooth workflow that keeps the look and feel of the animation with the designer. CSS animation or javascript-based effects often lack character and individuality unless significant effort is employed by a developer. Lottie allows designers to create rich animations with a tool we already know, After Effects. The resulting JSON is cross-browser compatible and well supported on iOS, Android, and React Native.
Here’s how we use Lottie animations:
How we make Lottie animations
When we set out to get creating Lottie animations we start with pen and paper to ideate, Adobe Illustrator to digitize, Adobe After Effects to bring the design to life, and finally, we use Bodymovin to export our Lottie JSON animation.
We use these tools because we know them well and can quickly create our vision.
When it comes to LottieFiles, we use the platform to preview to test, share, and even make minor tweaks. Since our team is distributed, it helps to share links to the actual execution. It's a great tool.
We’ve even used a couple animations from the LottieFiles Marketplace on our product's website and native app.
Animation is a powerful tool when used correctly. It can attract a user's attention, provide an element of delight, and even occupy time as a task is loading. Overall it offers polish, clarity, and enhances the user's experience.