CRED is a club where the creditworthy of India get rewarded in unique and enlightening ways. CRED club, along with its members, brings the best for its users and the ones they love. We make sure the experience of using the application is even more delightful and exciting for everyone. Period.
Being stuck in the universe of “transactionally” transacting apps, the room to delight and entertain had to be found and explored. None of these apps saw the need to tell their users a story to users while they were there to do something serious with their money, like paying their credit card bills.
But why should someone paying their credit card bills forget the fun and excitement they felt when using their cards? We did not want paying bills to be boring and bland. Yes, of course it was important to convey the basic information, but it was equally important to not scare anyone away.
Delightful storytelling has a crucial role to play for CRED. We believe in having a seamless and fun experience for all our members.
From day one, CRED always aims to give its users a special experience. In addition to very interesting design language for the illustrations and iconography, we also wanted to tell a story in a more dynamic way. We did consider numerous options like animated SVGs, videos to give life to the illustrations, but all of these came with their own restrictions and limitations.
It was then that we found out about Lottie and what it could do. Convinced and without batting an eyelid, we went ahead and started experimenting with the possibilities Lottie offered, after that, we never had to look for any alternatives.
We went through multiple design languages, experimented with a lot of styles, and Lottie had our back most all the time. Lottie was most seamless in adapting to all platforms and enabled trouble-free troubleshooting. From pixels to JSON, the flow just felt so organic and efficient, it really cut short development time.
When it came to Lottie, we were searching for tools to help us with it, it was then that we came across the much-awaited LottieFiles that really changed the game altogether for any Lottie evangelist. It was a much-awaited level-up that helped us convert and analyze a million times better and much much more.
Having moving pixels for any cause always has its subconscious value in gaining attention from the user. With Lottie, what we created in After Effects could be converted into code and appear perfectly as we intended for all our users of the CRED app. Today, our animations are talked about on most social media platforms, and mentioned much much more in conversations that surround their design in general.
A lot of people told us they joined CRED because they liked the animations (that was quite a surprise for us too). Naturally a big part of the credit has to go to the ones who imagined and executed these animations, but another major chunk goes to Lottie and LottieFiles for making these animations become a “code-reality.”
Lottie is the hyper-productive, pro-active middle man that helped transform pixels, to code, and code back to pixels. We could not have asked for more... although we definitely still would.
Thank you Lottie and LottieFiles!